Robotics Cambodia 2023 is a platform to be organized for acknowledging Cambodian youths’ skill demonstration in the robotic fields, locally and internationally during the year 2023. The event consists of:

  • Exhibition of robotic projects done by students in year 2023
  • National robotic competitions in 4 differents categories (Robot Genius, Robot Sumo, & Robot Soccer)
  • Panel discussion by related stakeholders about the current atmosphere of robotic education in Cambodia.
  • Speech and inauguration of achievement done by students under the STEMEOC scope of work in 2023  by Representative from Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport
  • Awarding ceremony to all winners from World Robotic Olympiad Cambodia 2023 in September & November and all other projects/competition

The Competitions:

Robot Soccer: 

  1. Details Guideline: link
  2. Registration and payment: link

Sumo Robot:

  1. Details Guideline: link
  2. Registration and payment: link

Robo Genius:

  1. Details Guideline: link
  2. Registration and payment: link

Sponsors and Partners: