June 8, 2024

On June 8, 2024, the STEM Education Organization for Cambodia (STEMEOC), in partnership with local authorities, students, and dedicated volunteers, successfully hosted the Eco-Hero Cleanup Day in Mean Commune, Ou Raing Ov District. This event was part of the larger “Clean Cambodia, Khmer Can Do It” campaign, a national movement aimed at raising awareness about environmental conservation and encouraging communities to take action in preserving their surroundings.

The Cleanup Day saw enthusiastic participation from students, volunteers, and representatives from the Ministry of Environment, who all worked together to clean public spaces, collect waste, and promote sustainable practices.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants, especially the Ministry of Environment team, for their unwavering support in making this event a success. Their involvement provided a significant boost to the Clean Cambodia, Khmer Can Do It campaign, underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts in creating lasting environmental change. Together, we are making a difference every day, fostering a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful Cambodia for future generations.

Let’s continue this mission by taking small, everyday actions to preserve our environment. Every effort counts in building a sustainable future!